16 May 2013

Future of Mobile Phones

The mobile telephones of the future will be able to see, shrink while becoming larger, and slip into their users’ skins. That terse statement summarizes the recently released results of a thorough look at the next ten to fifteen years of mobile telephony by the University of Darmstadt’s ‘Future Internet’ research cluster. The displays of future mobile telephones will merge virtual and physical reality. They will enrich images that their cameras capture with other information. The mobile telephones of the future will need large displays, but be capable of being shrunk to the size of a pencil. Although displays that can be rolled up and folded will take care of that, users will have their hands full simultaneously manipulating the display and the telephone’s controls. 

Future mobile-telephone networks will have to be capable of handling much higher transmission rates than their current counterparts. Mobile telephones and their networks will have to be more flexible in dealing with variations in signal levels. Mobile telephones will have to return responses from the ‘cloud’ on a millisecond time scale, where a portion of the ‘cloud’ will have to shift to mobile-telephone users’ immediate vicinities. The Darmstadt roadmap also envisions how future mobile telephones will become the heart of new security concepts. Since mobile telephones are handling growing numbers of critical smart-phone services, such as opening doors or handling payment of tolls, legal and financial risks will be involved.

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