20 June 2015

Using Minecraft to Unboggle the Robot Mind

Researchers from Brown University are developing a new algorithm to help robots better plan their actions in complex environments. It's designed to help robots be more useful in the real world, but it's being developed with the help of a virtual world, that of the video game Minecraft. Basic action planning, while easy for humans, is a frontier of robotics. Part of the problem is that robots don't intuitively ignore objects and actions that are irrelevant to the task at hand. For example, if someone asked you to empty the trashcan in the kitchen, you would know there's no need to turn on the oven or open the refrigerator. You'd go right to the trashcan. Robots, however, lack that intuition. Most approaches to planning consider the entire set of possible objects and actions before deciding which course to pursue. In other words, a robot might actually consider turning on the oven as part of its planning process for taking out the trash. In complex environments, this leads to what computer scientists refer to as the ‘state-space explosion’ (an array of choices so large that it boggles the robot mind). The algorithm augments standard robot planning algorithms using ‘goal-based action priors’, sets of objects and actions in a given space that are most likely to help an agent achieve a given goal.  The priors for a given task can be supplied by an expert operator, but they can also be learned by the algorithm itself through trial and error.

The game Minecraft, as it turns out, provided an ideal world to test how well the algorithm learned action priors and implemented them in the planning process. For the uninitiated, Minecraft is an open-ended game, where players gather resources and build all manner of structures by destroying or stacking 3D blocks in a virtual world. At over 100 million registered users, it's among the most popular video games of all time. After the algorithm ran through a number of trials of a given task to learn the appropriate priors, the researchers moved to a new domain that it had never seen before to see if it could apply what it learned. Indeed, the researchers showed that, armed with priors, their Minecraft agents could solve problems in unfamiliar domains much faster than agents powered by standard planning algorithms. Having honed the algorithm in virtual worlds, the researchers then tried it out in a real robot. They used the algorithm to have a robot help a person in the task of baking brownies. The algorithm was supplied with several action priors for the task. For example, one action prior let the robot know that eggs often need to be beaten with a whisk. So when a carton of eggs appears in the robot's workspace, it is able to anticipate the cook's need for a whisk and hand him one. The work also shows the potential of virtual spaces like Minecraft in developing solutions for real-world robots and other artificial agents.

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