13 September 2015

Exoskeleton Show How We Save Energy When Walking

Ever waited for a bus rather than take the short walk to work? Headed for the escalator instead of the stairs? Humans clearly harbour a deep love of lethargy – and now we know how far people will go to expend less energy. We will change our walking style on the fly when our normal gait becomes even a little more difficult. The finding could have implications for the rehabilitation offered to people with spinal injuries. Researchers at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, strapped volunteers into a lightweight robotic exoskeleton and put them on a treadmill. Initially, the team let the volunteers find their preferred walking rhythm – which turned out to be 1.8 steps per second, on average. Then the researchers switched on the exoskeleton, programming it to make it more difficult for the volunteers to walk at their preferred pace by preventing the knee from bending – and leg swinging – as freely. The exoskeleton didn’t interfere with the human guinea pigs’ ability to walk faster or slower than they preferred.

Within minutes the volunteers had found a walking style that the exoskeleton would allow without offering resistance. Remarkably, though, they did so despite the fact that the exoskeleton only ever offered minimal resistance. By using breathing masks to analyse the volunteers’ metabolic activity, They found that subjects would shift to an awkward new gait even if the energy saving was only 5 per cent. Millions of years of evolution, and the experience we each glean from the millions of steps we have taken, can seemingly be overwritten in moments for the sake of making tiny energy savings. That’s not to say it wasn’t evolution that dictated our predilection for laziness in the first place. The finding might be bad news if you’re trying to burn as many calories as possible on the treadmill at the gym – your brain might subconsciously find energy-saving shortcuts – but researchers’ point out that plenty of other physical activity is enhanced by our energetic efficiency. Running a marathon, for instance, might be made easier by our ability to make these tiny energy savings.

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