07 March 2015

Tips for AR in Higher Education

Recent research conducted by Jisc showed that students were more serious than ever about technology, with nearly a third (32 %) saying tech facilities played a part in their choice of university.  Combine that statement with the fact that students are open to innovative ways of learning, with more than a third interested in virtual lectures (37%) and dedicated mobile apps (35%) to help them study, and it is easy to understand why universities are keen to up their tech game. The most common reason for AR remaining on the peripheries in higher education is not lack of appetite, but rather a general lack of knowledge about how to get these programmes off the ground.

Here are five tips to get you started: (a) Consider the application: AR works especially well where it is difficult to expose students to real-life environments. (b) Simplify the subject material: If you work in a maths or science discipline you might not think AR is applicable to you, but actually it’s an excellent conduit for conveying abstract concepts. (c) Visualise your users: Think about who will be using the app and what learning environments they are used to. (e) Test your ideas: If you fail to consult them during the development cycle you could deliver something that is a long way removed from what they were expecting.

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