27 February 2024

Adaptive Teaching Smart Glove

Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have unveiled a groundbreaking development in wearable technology: a smart glove capable of providing tactile feedback to guide users through learning new skills, enhance robot manipulation precision, and aid in professional training.

Unlike conventional visual or auditory learning methods, the smart glove targets individuals who learn best through touch, a modality often overlooked in educational and training settings. The glove captures and reproduces touch-based instructions by seamlessly embedding tactile sensors and haptic actuators into textiles, enabling users to absorb knowledge in fields such as surgery, music, and beyond.

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26 February 2024

Single Photo 3D Reconstruction of Hidden Scenes

Researchers from the University of South Florida (USF) developed a technology that can reconstruct hidden scenes in 3D using a single photo. The technology has the potential to reveal what’s behind walls, doors, or cars.

The algorithm that can use the faint shadows cast by objects on nearby surfaces to generate highly accurate and colorful 3D models of the occluded areas. This technology could have many applications, from preventing car accidents to aiding law enforcement and military operations.

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23 February 2024

The Seeing Eye Dog V2.0

Researchers at the University of Glasgow in Scotland showed off the latest iteration of their RoboGuide, an AI-powered quadruped robot designed to assist visually impaired people. RoboGuide uses sensors to map and assess its surroundings. Software developed by the team help it learn optimal routes between locations and interpret sensor data in real time to help the robot avoid moving obstacles.

The RoboGuide incorporates large language model technology, so it can understand questions and comments from users and provide verbal responses. The guide dog robot's entire voice, personality and memory will be transferable. So, the next robotic dog someone purchases will have exactly the same personality and memory of conversations and shared events and the transition will be seamless.

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