
Dr. Fotis Liarokapis is currently an Associate Professor (MRG Leader) of Extended Experiences (EX) at CYENS - Centre of Excellence, Nicosia, Cyprus and a Senior Researcher B (Associate Professor level) with the Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus. He is also a visiting Professor at Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.

Dr. Liarokapis holds a BEng in ‘Computer Systems Engineering’ from the University of Sussex, an MSc in ‘Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments’ from the University of Hull, and a DPhil with title ‘Augmented Reality Interfaces-Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information’ from the University of Sussex.
Before moving to Cyprus, he was an Associate Professor and the Director of the HCI Lab at Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Prior to this, he was employed as a Senior Lecturer by the department of Computing, Faculty of Engineering and Computing at Coventry University. He was also a research fellow at the ‘Serious Games Institute’ (SGI), Coventry University. Previously, he worked as a research fellow at City University and before that as a research officer at the University of Sussex.
Dr. Liarokapis (IEEE member) has contributed to more than 165 refereed publications with more than 7463 citations (h-index: 42 and i10-index: 107) in the broad areas of virtual and augmented reality, serious games, computer graphics and brain computer interfaces. In the h-index for Greek origin Computer Scientists & Engineers he is ranked in the 250th position (all over the world), whereas in the Cyprus Scientist and University Rankings 2024 he is ranked in the 74th position (across all disciplines). Also, included into the top 2% cited scientists according to Stanford University.
Dr. Liarokapis organised multiple conferences and workshops and he was the co-founder of the International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games). He was the program-chair of IEEE CoG 2020 and IEEE CoG 2021 as well as the general chair of IMET 2022, the general co-chair of IMET 2023 and the publications chair of Mobile HCI 2023. He co-organized the 'Mixing Realities: Cross-reality Visualization, Interaction, and Collaboration' workshop at IEEE VR 2023 and he was the general co-chair of Eurographics 2024.
Several bibliographies can be found below: