DGTech Engineering Solutions releases on the market the new VHand data-glove version. A complete redesign of the glove has permitted to embed the acquisition board inside the glove itself. On the same board has been mounted a complete 3 axes accelerometer, which permits to accurately measure the movements and the orientations of the hand, strongly increasing the application fields of this complete sensor. The finger movements are still revealed by the use of the well tested Flexpoint bend sensors.

The product philosophy is changed, starting from a OEM version, which perfectly suits the needs of Universities, Research Centres and company involved in the developing of innovative solutions in the fields of robotics, motion capture, virtual realities and gaming. As optional devices, in order to facilitate the developing cycle, a complete set of accessories is provided, like a TTL to USB adaptor and a TTL to Bluetooth adaptor. The last one will permit a complete and comfortable wireless use of the glove.