Learning to move a computer cursor or robotic arm with nothing but thoughts can be no different from learning how to play tennis or ride a bicycle, according to a new study of how brains and machines interact. In experiments, signals from the brain’s motor cortex were translated by a ‘decoder’ into deliberate movements of a computer cursor. The research, which was carried out in monkeys but is expected to apply to humans, involves a fundamental redesign of brain-machine experiments. In previous studies, the computer interfaces that translate thoughts into movements are given a new set of instructions each day — akin to waking up each morning with a new arm that you have to figure out how to use all over again. In the new experiments, monkeys learned how to move a computer cursor with their thoughts using just one set of instructions and an unusually small number of brain cells that deliver instructions for performing movements the same way each day. In this new experiment, electrodes are implanted directly into the brain to record activity from a population of 75 to 100 cells that help guide movement. As animals move a hand or arm, the activity pattern of those cells is recorded. Later the limb is immobilized, and researchers can predict what the animal wants to do with it by looking at the cells’ activity; that pattern is then sent to a so-called decoder. But because of the variability caused by motions of the electrodes and changes in brain cells, researchers have assumed that a new population of cells would be in control of the movements each day. They recalibrated the decoder each day, and the subject had to relearn the task — move a cursor, reach with a robot arm — every time.
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