30 September 2012

VSMM 2012 Paper

A few weeks ago, I presented a paper I co-authored with colleagues from Interactive Worlds Applied Research Group (iWARG) and the Serious Games Institute (SGI), was presented at the 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Virtual Systems in the Information Society (VSMM 2012). The conference took place at Milan, Italy, 2-5 September 2012 and the paper was titled ‘Brain-Controlled Serious Games for Cultural Heritage’.

The paper proposes a prototype system for cultural heritage based on brain computer interfaces for navigating and interacting with serious games. An interactive serious cultural heritage game was developed based on commercial BCI headsets controlling virtual agents in the ancient city of Rome. Initial results indicate that brain computer technologies can be very useful for the creation of interactive serious games.

A draft version of the paper can be downloaded from here.