16 September 2024

Magnet-Controlled Prosthetic Hand

Researchers have created the first prosthetic hand controlled by magnets, enabling amputees to move it by thought. The project, from a research team at the BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, allows precise control of grip strength and is useful for handling fragile objects. The prosthetic hand operates without wires or electrical connections, relying solely on magnets and muscles to control finger movements. This allows users to perform everyday tasks like opening jars, using screwdrivers, and picking up coins.

Experimental tests on the robotic prosthesis featured a patient successfully grasping a plastic cup. The study team mapped the movements to direct the robotic hand’s fingers and converted them into signals. The magnets have an inherent magnetic field that is easily localized in space. A unique algorithm converts the movement of the magnet - which occurs when a muscle contracts—into a particular command for the robotic hand. According to researchers, the experiment’s outcomes considerably exceeded even the most optimistic predictions.

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