During the 19th to 20th November, I have attended a two-day training workshop held in University of Warwick, Coventry. The workshop was organized by EPSRC and it was part of the ‘RCUK Business Plan Competition’. The competition tries to help researchers and academics to turn great research into great business. The aim of the workshop was to train participants in how to write an effective business proposal through the expertise of Qi3. Qi3 provided us with a series of presentations and exercises in order to promote commercial expertise on the basics of technology-based corporations, high-tech start-ups and SMEs.

The RCUK Business Plan Competition provides researchers who have ideas with commercial potential the skills, knowledge and support needed to develop a first-rate business plan. This is provided through expert trainers, coaches and mentors. It is worth-mentioning that the competition is open to researchers based in UK Higher Education Institutions (HEI's) or Public Sector Research Establishments (PSRE) that are eligible to hold Research Council grants from across the whole spectrum of academic research within the remit of the seven Research Councils – from the arts and biosciences, to environmental physical and social sciences to technology.
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