Last month, a paper I have co-written with a colleague, has been presented in the 25th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC '07), in El Paso, USA. The title of the paper is ‘Design Experiences of Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfaces’ and presented an overview of the most significant issues when designing mixed reality interfaces including displays, tracking, interface design, interactivity and realism. Multimodal issues regarding visualization and interaction are integrated into a single interface. Three case studies in diverse areas including automotive (see figure below), archaeology and navigation were presented, as well as the experiences gained and lessons learned.

The paper anticipates that the multimodal features allow participants to select the most appropriate medium for visualizing and interacting with virtual information. The capability of dynamic switching between cyber and MR worlds allows remote users to bring VR and AR into their own environment. In addition, participants can change dynamically interaction modes to interact with the virtual information in a user-centered mode as well as through a computer-centered approach. This might be very useful for elderly and disabled people, which have difficulties in doing particular operations or going to specific places.
A draft copy of the paper can be downloaded from here.
A draft copy of the paper can be downloaded from here.