30 July 2020

Human-Like Perception for Robots

To carry out high-level tasks, researchers believe robots will have to be able to perceive their physical environment as humans do. Researchers at MIT have developed a representation of spatial perception for robots that is modeled after the way humans perceive and navigate the world. The new model, which they call 3D Dynamic Scene Graphs, enables a robot to quickly generate a 3D map of its surroundings that also includes objects and their semantic labels (a chair versus a table, for instance), as well as people, rooms, walls, and other structures that the robot is likely seeing in its environment. The model also allows the robot to extract relevant information from the 3D map, to query the location of objects and rooms, or the movement of people in its path. At the moment, robotic vision and navigation has advanced mainly along two routes: 3D mapping that enables robots to reconstruct their environment in three dimensions as they explore in real time; and semantic segmentation, which helps a robot classify features in its environment as semantic objects, such as a car versus a bicycle, which so far is mostly done on 2D images. 

The key component of the team’s new model is Kimera, an open-source library that the team previously developed to simultaneously construct a 3D geometric model of an environment, while encoding the likelihood that an object is (i.e. a chair versus a desk). Kimera works by taking in streams of images from a robot’s camera, as well as inertial measurements from onboard sensors, to estimate the trajectory of the robot or camera and to reconstruct the scene as a 3D mesh, in real-time. To generate a semantic 3D mesh, Kimera uses an existing neural network trained on millions of real-world images, to predict the label of each pixel, and then projects these labels in 3D using a technique known as ray-casting, commonly used in computer graphics for real-time rendering. The result is a map of a robot’s environment that resembles a dense, 3D mesh, where each face is color-coded as part of the objects, structures, and people within the environment. The team tested their new model in a photo-realistic simulator, developed in collaboration with MIT Lincoln Laboratory, that simulates a robot navigating through a dynamic office environment filled with people moving around.

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25 July 2020

FingerTrak - Wearable Hand Tracking Wristband

Researchers from Cornell University and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, have designed a wrist-mounted device that continuously tracks the entire human hand in 3D. The bracelet, called FingerTrak, can sense and translate into 3D the many positions of the human hand, including 20 finger joint positions, using three or four miniature, low-resolution thermal cameras that read contours on the wrist. The device could be used in sign language translation, virtual reality, mobile health, human-robot interaction and other areas. Past wrist-mounted cameras have been considered too bulky and obtrusive for everyday use, and most could reconstruct only a few discrete hand gestures.

FingerTrak's breakthrough is a lightweight bracelet, allowing for free movement. Instead of using cameras to directly capture the position of the fingers, the focus of most prior research, FingerTrak uses a combination of thermal imaging and machine learning to virtually reconstruct the hand. The bracelet's four miniature, thermal cameras (each about the size of a pea) snap multiple silhouette images to form an outline of the hand. A deep neural network then stitches these silhouette images together and reconstructs the virtual hand in 3D. FingerTrak could also have an impact on health care applications, specifically in monitoring disorders that affect fine-motor skills.

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24 July 2020

Stream Music Directly to Brain

Neuralink startup is working on a brain-computer interface that will allow wearers to stream music directly to their brain, the technology entrepreneur has claimed. Neuralink could help control hormone levels and use them to our advantage (enhanced abilities and reasoning, anxiety relief, etc.). Since its founding in 2016, Neuralink has only held one major public presentation about how the technology will work.

The firm was working on a sewing machine-like device that would provide a direct connection between a computer and a chip inserted within the brain. The technology could will first be used to help people suffering from brain diseases like Parkinson’s, but the ultimate aim of Neuralink is to allow humans to compete with advanced artificial intelligence. The process of having the chip fitted will be similar to Lasik laser eye surgery.

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