21 May 2024

ERCIM News XR5.0 Article 2024

XR applications for manufacturing are built based on a one-size-fits-all philosophy that does not consider the characteristics of individual workers. Hence, they fall short when it comes to supporting the emerging wave of Industry 5.0 (I5.0) applications that are destined to be human-centric and emphasise trustworthy human-machine collaboration. I5.0 requires XR visualisations that consider the characteristics, skills, and context of the manufacturing worker, along with the peculiarities of their interactions with machinery, automation devices, and cyber physical production systems.

In this context, the newly started XR5.0 Horizon Europe Project will build, demonstrate, and validate a novel person-centric and AI-based XR paradigm that will be tailored to the requirements and nature of I5.0 applications. The project will specify blueprints for using XR in I5.0 applications with emphasis on the development of innovative XR-made-in-Europe technology that blends with human-centric manufacturing technologies and adheres to European values (e.g. trustworthiness, security/privacy-by-design, transparency) as reflected in relevant EU regulations and policies.

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